Wednesday, September 19, 2018

What did we do for the first couple weeks of school?

For the last two weeks, we were learning about our new routines, rules, and how to work together as a team.  Here are some examples of what we discussed in the class.

We talked about a couple of the learning skills.

We also talked about how to organize and write our notes:

We also came up with classroom jobs and Ms. Kwak created an iHelp chart based on what discussed. Each student gets to do their job for a week, and we rotate every week.

We get rewards (popsicle sticks) when we get our work done. (We always get one popsicle stick when we get our reading log and agenda signed). When you earn 10 popsicle sticks, you get a cool PRIZE!

We read a story called, "Have you filled a bucket today?" and we wrote positive notes to our friends and filled our own, and our friends' buckets.

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