Saturday, September 22, 2018

Science Materials

Science Materials

Dear parents,  

We are have started our new science units on Strong and Stable Structures and Movement.  
To help us with our science experiments and projects for this unit, we are asking for
your help collecting materials. We are asking for donations of the following items.

- paper towel roll TUBES  (They must be paper towel tubes and not toilet paper rolls.)
- empty boxes - empty soda cans (rinsed)
- shoe box lids - popsicle sticks or wooden stir sticks
- lids from jars - straws
- Newspapers  (not flyers) - masking tape** (especially needed)
- Play Doh or plasticine

*If you are sending in boxes from food products, please make sure they are peanut free products.

Please send in any of the items you have available by the first week of October.
The items we need the most is paper towel rolls, newspaper, and tape.  We appreciate your contribution,

Thank you,

Ms. Kwak

p.s: Thank you for those of you who already sent the materials.

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