Tuesday, September 18, 2018

[Math] Math is everywhere!

In order to support your child with math at home and in day-to-day life,
 the math page on our board website lists useful websites, activities
and games that you can reference and use.  Thank you for the important role
you play in the creation of confident problem solvers.

Math is everywhere!

September is a great time to start building routines at home which can support
children in developing a positive disposition towards math.
Providing opportunities at home that promote math talk can support
a child’s mathematical knowledge and understanding.  
Whether you are, shopping, cooking, playing a game, organizing,
taking a walk, or reading, there are many opportunities to highlight math in different ways.

Grocery Shopping
Ask your child to estimate how many of a grocery item (for example, a
type of fruit or vegetable, bread or pet food) your family will need for the week.
Ask, “Why do you think that amount will be needed?”
At the end of the week, have your child count the number actually used.

Tips for Math

Build strong, positive attitudes about math. When children feel positively engaged and successful,
they are more likely to stick with an activity or a problem to find a solution.

Begin with activities that meet your child’s level of mathematical understanding.

Early success in solving problems will build your child’s confidence.

Gradually move to activities that provide more challenge for your child.

If you and your child are more comfortable in a language other than English, use it.

Your child will understand concepts better in the language that he or she knows best

(Doing Mathematics With Your Child, Kindergarten to Grade 6: A Parent Guide)


  1. Great suggestions! Is there a text book you would recommend if we wanted to follow curriculum?

    1. Thank you! We use Math Make Sense, but I also use different ones as well (i.e. Jump Math).
