Friday, September 14, 2018

Agenda and Reading Log

I would like to kindly remind you to sign the Agenda and the Reading log every day. I asked students to read at least 20 minutes and record what they read in their Reading log. 

It is very important for students to learn to ask questions before, during, and after reading.  Questioning provides a purpose for reading and keeps the reader engaged in the text.  Questions can be answered in many different ways: in the text, by prior knowledge, by inferences, and through further research.  At home, you can ask questions to ensure your child understands what he/she is reading:

Before Reading:

-       What do you think is going to happen?
-       What is the story about?
-       Who is telling the story?

During Reading:

-       What would you do?
-       How does the character feel?
-       I wonder why…?

After Reading:

-       What was the main idea?
-       Do you know someone like…?
-       What would have happened if?

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