Friday, September 14, 2018

Go Home Folder

September 4th 2018
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
In order to keep parents informed and to improve communication between school and home,
our class is implementing a system called the “Go Home Folder”.
Most Fridays, students will organize their folders and fill out the Go Home sheet.
This may include work that has been returned, notes from the teachers, order forms,
notices from School Council, or any other items that parents should see.
As well, students are asked to consider their success with the learning skills and
to record their progress on the top of the sheet. It is the student’s responsibility to
prepare the folder on Friday afternoon and to make sure you see it before Monday.
Students will be asked to fill in Go Home Folder Sheet and Assessment Tracking Sheet.
Go Home Folder sheet should have list of letters or forms that is going home, and Assessment
Tracking sheet should have list of returned projects or marks.
Your task is to review items with your child and then sign the Go Home sheet and
Assessment tracking sheet and return it to the homeroom teacher on Monday morning.
A positive note or appreciation from a parent on the return slip is an excellent motivator
for your child to continue to try their best. If you have concerns or questions about the work,
or on your child’s progress, please note it on the return slip, and we can schedule a call or an interview.
There shouldn’t be any surprises when the Provincial Progress Report goes home in November.
We anticipate a great year of learning with your child. Thank you for your support with the folders.

Ms. Kwak

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