Wednesday, December 12, 2018

[Math] Study note for Measurement unit

Grade 3 Calendar, Time and Temperature Study Guide
Test Date: Tuesday, Dec 18 2018

Students should have an understanding of the following concepts:
- determine the relationship between days, weeks, and months on a calendar
(i.e. if today is May 7th, it will be June 7th in one month)
- telling time on an analogue clock
- showing time on a blank analogue clock
- relating time on an analogue clock and digital clock - using phrases such as,
"quarter after or past", "quarter to", and "half past"
- elapsed time (i.e. if my soccer game starts at 5:00 pm and ends at 6:15 pm,
how much time has elapsed?)
- identify benchmarks for temperature (i.e. water boils at 100 degrees C, water freezes
at 0 degrees C, room temperature is approximately 21 degrees C)
- describe how changes in temperature affect everyday experiences (i.e. if it -20 degrees outside
I should wear...)
- reading and recording temperature from a thermometer (i.e. we begin at zero and either
read it going up or down)
- Problem-solving questions

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

[Math] Time and Temperature

We learned how to read time in different ways, and how to measure temperatures. 

[Genius Hour] New Project

Dear Parents,
Your child was recently introduced to Genius Hour! Genius Hour will provide your child with the opportunity to research a topic or idea that he/she is passionate about.
Why is Genius Hour important? The number one reason Genius Hour is important is that your child will take ownership of his/her own learning. This research is intended to spark curiosity and encourage life-long learning, imagination, perseverance, self-awareness, and adaptability. It’s also intended to provide a sense of purpose for learning.
How will Genius Hour work in the classroom? Your child will first choose a project topic of his/her interest. After that, your child will formulate a question that will guide his/her research. Once the project is approved, your child will then be given time in class to work on the project. Research materials (books, computer, iPads, etc.) will be provided for your child to research with. When the project is complete, your child will be asked to present his/her learning to an audience.
How does Genius Hour fit into our standards? Not only does your child get to choose a topic that he/she is passionate about, but the research and the presentation for this project also ties perfectly into our grade-level standards! A few examples of these standards are stated below:
▪ Draw inferences and formulate conclusions based on multiple sources.
▪ Combine pertinent information from several sources on the same topic to help gain an understanding of a topic.
▪ Present his/her learning in a meaningful, sequential, and clear way.
How can you help out? There are many ways you can help. Once your child chooses a project, he/she may need help with expanding his/her thinking to help formulate new ideas. Discussing your child’s ideas and providing some guidance as to where to find useful information will be important. If you have access to the Internet at home, your child could conduct some of the research there. Finally, you may be an expert in the area of which your child chose. If this is the case, it’s possible that you could offer some expertise and knowledge.
As your child’s teacher, I am excited to offer this learning opportunity and look forward to this new adventure.

You can get more information on

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

[Literacy] Paragraph writing activity

I would like to share the brainstorming activity that we worked on today. This is the graphic organizer that we used to come up with ideas. Please encourage your child to use 5Ws and 1 H to describe their paragraph. It will not always work, but this will be a great starting point for them to think about their ideas.

[Math] Measurement unit

In Math, we will be working on the Measurement unit. We will learn about the calendar, time, and temperature.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Journal Prompts

I assigned a journal writing homework today.  I shared with the students that they could write about anything that happened to them at the school or anything that they want to share with me. Here is the list of journal writing prompts. I provided them with a notebook, and it has a blank space on the top where they can draw pictures to describe their ideas or brainstorm ideas about what they are going to write about. They can write a paragraph or more, and make sure to have them review the checklist below. This will be a great opportunity for me to get to know more about the students. Thank you for your ongoing support. 
  •  Sometimes people are so silly! Write a “things to do” list for a very silly person.
  •  Describe the school of your dreams!
  •  What is one thing that you don’t know how to do that you would like to learn? Why?
  •  Write a long list of things for an elephant to remember.
  •  Write a diet plan for a gorilla.
  •  What would you do if one of your friends were making a bad decision?
  •  Tell about a time when you helped another student.
  •  Write from the point of view of a rainbow.
  •  Write a fantasy story explaining something in nature (Why do leaves fall?) 
  •  Imagine that your family arrives at a party. Describe what you see, hear, smell, feel and taste.
  •  Write about your favourite thing to do outside.
  •  What would you do if you found a lost puppy at the park?
  •  I woke up this morning and discovered that I had turned all purple.... 
I began each sentence with a capital letter.
I ended each sentence with the correct punctuation. ( . ? ! )
My ideas make sense and go together. 
There is a beginning, middle and end. 

Monday, November 26, 2018

[Flashlight Friday!]

On a snowy Friday morning, we really enjoyed reading a book with flashlights, classical music and the visual fireplace!!

[Visual Arts] Structures Around the World Silhouette!

Students did a fabulous job completing their structure silhouette design! We learned how to blend watercolours, and reviewed warm and cool colours!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

[Making a difference: Share Kindness]

I would like to let you know that we got to support Nurullojon today and loan of $25 supported his business in Tajikistan. Once it is repaid by him, we are going to make another loan to support other people around the world. Thank you for your kind donation.  

Nurullojon's story

The name of this young man is Nurullojon. He is 27 years old, married and raises 2 small children. Nurullojon's wife is a student. He and his family live in the town of Khujand. 
Nurullojon is a very responsible man. He works tirelessly in order to provide for his family and children. For more than 6 years, he's been running a shop where he sells household goods. Currently, he needs to purchase a bulk of inventory for sale and he asks for your support. Nurullojon very much hopes you'll come forward to support him.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

[Math] problem solving question

We reviewed how to answer problem solving questions. Students need to show all of their work and explain how they got the answer. The final statement should also be included. 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

[Math] Study guide for upcoming quiz

Grade 3 Addition and Subtraction Study Guide
Date: Thursday, November 22nd 2018

- Rounding 2- and 3-digit numbers (i.e. Rounding 139 to the nearest ten is 140)
- Comparing Numbers (e.g., I know 83 is greater than 73 because 83 has 8 tens and
73 has 7 tens)
-Estimating sums and differences (23+52= ___  → 23 is rounded to 20 and 52 is rounded to
50, 20+50= 70)
- Adding and subtracting involving 3-digit numbers (i.e. 123+546, 177-58, etc.)
using a variety of strategies (including standard addition/subtraction)
- Using different strategies for solving a problem
- Find a missing number (i.e. 12- __=3)
- Problem-solving (Underline important parts of the question, show all of your
thinking clearly and include an answer sentence)

*Students can pick and choose any addition and subtraction strategies.

Friday, November 16, 2018

[Making Connections - Text to World]

Please visit this website and ask your child about what we discussed in our literacy class.
 We've been reading a storybook called, Lily and the Paper man, and A chance to shine (a story about helping homeless and share kindness) , and as we were making connections to world, we came across this website. We are planning to loan some money to people in third world country to help with their business. We already have $25 (from my previous class), but your welcome to add more donations to support business in other part of the country. We will get our money back, and once it is paid, we are going to make another loan to other people.
You can read some of their stories from the website with your child to help them understand how we can make a difference in someone's life. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

[Math] Online Games

We've been working on 2-3 digits addition and subtraction questions.
To support students' learning at home, I included online math game sites where students can further practice their addition and subtraction skills. (Students can use their google email account to join and they will be able to play the game for free) (three digit subtraction practice) 

(Students can practice word problem questions) (Thinking Blocks)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

[Literacy] Making connections 

In our literacy class, we talked about how to make strong connections while reading a story and how it helps us to understand the stroy better. We reviewed how to make text to self, text to text, and text to world connections.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

[Swim To Survive]

Swim to Survive Reminder

Students will be participating in the Swim to Survive program once a week for three
sessions from 8:45 -10:45.  We will be leaving promptly at 8:45am and will not be
able to wait for late arrivals.  If your child is late, they will work in Ms. Willet’s class
for the morning or you can drive them to Centennial Pool and Fitness Centre to join us.

Students will be invited to come in and prepare for the trip at 8:30am at the primary doors
so that we can depart on time. Please have your child wait there for a teacher to invite them inside.

Session 1: Monday, November 12, 2018
Session 2: Monday, November 19, 2018
Session 3: Monday, November 26, 2018

On these days your child needs to bring either:
  • A towel and bathing suit
  • A towel and shorts (with underwear) and t-shirt ; or
  • A towel and if required for religious reasons, long pants or stockings

Please have your child wearing their swimwear underneath their clothes each morning to
help speed things up and provide more swim time.  Students are expected to independently
change into and out of their swim attire. Teachers are present to supervise but will not assist
with dressing and undressing.

Please be aware that the pool and change rooms are not exclusively used by Pleasantville
students.  Students should leave valuables at home and make sure all clothes are labeled.

Your child will not have an opportunity to dry his or her hair before returning to school.
 You may want to provide your child with a swim cap if this is a concern.

Your child will still have an opportunity to eat a snack these mornings.  Please send a
snack in a separate snack bag on these days.

If you have any questions please contact your child ’s teacher.


Ms. Kwak Mrs. Gold

[Math Games]

We played addition and subtraction "four in a row" game with a partner.

and we had fun singing a song on Halloween afternoon!:)

[Math] Addition and Subtraction

In math, we have been exploring different ways to add or subtract two and three digit numbers.

We learned to play "i spy" game. You can play it at home with your child- i spy the two number that adds up to 10 or two number that rounds to 30.

Friday, November 2, 2018

[Field Trip] Safety Village snapshots

 We had so much fun at the Community Safety Village. The weather was just perfect and we got to experience and learn about different safety rules.

We rode bicycles around the village, and we learned about stop signs, how to use hand signals, and etc.

The police officer gave us useful information about how to check our own bicycles to see if it is safe to ride or not.

Paramedics gave us detailed information about what they do, and we went on an ambulance tour.

We would like to thank parent volunteers who came to support our learning.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

[Literacy] Summary writing

In our literacy class, we've been working on summarizing a story. We used five main questions below to summarize the text. You can review below questions to help your child summarize a story that they are reading at home.
Summary for Narrative Text
Who is the main character?

What does the character want to do?

What problem does the character have?

How does the character react?

How is the problem solved?

Success Criteria

  1. I have explained the main idea of the text (Main character, Problem of the story… Somebody, wanted, but, so, then)

  1. I have explained the story in order

  1. My summary is very concise

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

[Music] Remembrance Day song

On November 9, we will be holding our Remembrance Day Assembly at Pleasantville. The Grade 3's will be performing a vocal arrangement of, "In Flanders Fields". Please encourage them to read over the poem which was sent home and try to memorize it.
To practice the melody at home:
Visit and use the following to log on:
Username: student
Password: music18
Then, click the “search” button and type: In Flanders Fields. Choose this title, on the left.
This is an accompaniment track (no vocals). Wait 16 beats to start singing.

Monday, October 22, 2018

[Field Trip Note] Community Safety Village

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Grade 3 students will be visiting Community Safety Village on
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 to learn about fire safety, bicycle
safety and take part in a paramedic lesson.   All bicycles are
provided for the students, some with training wheels, but they
must bring a bicycle helmet with them to the village.
Please make sure your child brings a lunch and snack on
the day of the trip.  If you usually order sub lunch,  the
sandwiches will be kept in the office fridge and sent home with your child.  
Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to visit.
 I have confirmed in your child’s agenda if you will be joining us on the trip.  

Mrs. Gold  and Ms. Kwak

[Math] Extra Online Resources/ Helpful activities

Grade 3: Math Glossary

YRDSB Math Resources

Baking and CookingWhen you and your child are baking or cooking together try: - Comparing temperature (hot, warm, cold) - Timing how long it takes to prepare, cook or bake - Cutting a recipe in half (fractions) - Adding up all of the ingredients in the recipe - Filling measuring containers to the required amounts - Comparing measurement sizes - Determining how much food containers or measuring cups hold (capacity)
Car Trips or Walks in the NeighbourhoodMath is all around us and is an important part of our daily lives. Here are some ways you can incorporate math when you're taking a walk in the neighbourhood or in the car: - Identifying shapes and figures in our world - Asking “Where do you see symmetry?” - Talking about seasonal changes, and temperature - Counting different objects (e.g., houses, cars, trees, stop signs, etc.) - Recognizing numbers (addresses) - Reading the numbers on signs, licence plates, - Talking about the distance travelled (e.g., we drove one kilometer to get to the store) - Looking for shapes in the neighbourhood
Doing Mathematics with Your Child: Kindergarten to Grade 6This resource provides many fun everyday activities organized by grade and math topic for you to do at home with your child.
ShoppingHere are some ways you can incorporate math when you and your child are shopping: - Comparing the prices of different foods - Reading price tags - Counting or adding items as you package them in bags - Reading measurements on packages - Comparing the size of items - Packing the items in the cart or bag

Sunday, October 21, 2018

[Science] Structure and Stability quiz

Grade 3’s will be having a Structure and Stability quiz on Friday, Oct 26th, 2018.  Structure and Stability quiz. Students took the science duo-tang home over the weekend and it would be helpful to review the following concepts.

  • Definitions:  structures, load, struts, ties, natural made, man made  
  • Identify natural and human-made structures
  • Understand the terms strength and stability
  • Identify loads for different structures. (i.e.: What is the load for a desk?)
  • Identify struts and ties and how they support a structure
  • Understand how different materials have different purposes

Friday, October 19, 2018

[Science] Scientist in School

We had Scientist In School today.
We got to build and test a different type of structures. Special thanks to the parent volunteers who came to help our class today!

[Math] Number Patterns Quiz Study guide

We are going to have a math quiz next week on Oct 24, Wednesday.

Students should have an understanding of the following:

  • Find missing numbers in a pattern (i.e.: 2, 5, ___,___, 14) 
  • Use a pattern rule to continue the pattern  
  • Find a number on a hundred chart (i.e.: find the 10th odd number on a hundred chart) 
  • Identify and describe patterns on a hundred chart (i.e.: Start at 40, count by 4s-
  • The number increases by 4. I noticed that one’s digits repeat: 4,8,4,8) 
  • Understand the following terms: growing, shrinking, repeating patterns 

*Helpful websites:

Sunday, October 14, 2018

[Math] Math Game with a hundred chart

We played a fun game using a hundred chart last Friday.

We also explored different pattern rules on the hundred chart.