Wednesday, November 21, 2018

[Making a difference: Share Kindness]

I would like to let you know that we got to support Nurullojon today and loan of $25 supported his business in Tajikistan. Once it is repaid by him, we are going to make another loan to support other people around the world. Thank you for your kind donation.  

Nurullojon's story

The name of this young man is Nurullojon. He is 27 years old, married and raises 2 small children. Nurullojon's wife is a student. He and his family live in the town of Khujand. 
Nurullojon is a very responsible man. He works tirelessly in order to provide for his family and children. For more than 6 years, he's been running a shop where he sells household goods. Currently, he needs to purchase a bulk of inventory for sale and he asks for your support. Nurullojon very much hopes you'll come forward to support him.

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