Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Journal Prompts

I assigned a journal writing homework today.  I shared with the students that they could write about anything that happened to them at the school or anything that they want to share with me. Here is the list of journal writing prompts. I provided them with a notebook, and it has a blank space on the top where they can draw pictures to describe their ideas or brainstorm ideas about what they are going to write about. They can write a paragraph or more, and make sure to have them review the checklist below. This will be a great opportunity for me to get to know more about the students. Thank you for your ongoing support. 
  •  Sometimes people are so silly! Write a “things to do” list for a very silly person.
  •  Describe the school of your dreams!
  •  What is one thing that you don’t know how to do that you would like to learn? Why?
  •  Write a long list of things for an elephant to remember.
  •  Write a diet plan for a gorilla.
  •  What would you do if one of your friends were making a bad decision?
  •  Tell about a time when you helped another student.
  •  Write from the point of view of a rainbow.
  •  Write a fantasy story explaining something in nature (Why do leaves fall?) 
  •  Imagine that your family arrives at a party. Describe what you see, hear, smell, feel and taste.
  •  Write about your favourite thing to do outside.
  •  What would you do if you found a lost puppy at the park?
  •  I woke up this morning and discovered that I had turned all purple.... 
I began each sentence with a capital letter.
I ended each sentence with the correct punctuation. ( . ? ! )
My ideas make sense and go together. 
There is a beginning, middle and end. 

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