Sunday, November 11, 2018

[Swim To Survive]

Swim to Survive Reminder

Students will be participating in the Swim to Survive program once a week for three
sessions from 8:45 -10:45.  We will be leaving promptly at 8:45am and will not be
able to wait for late arrivals.  If your child is late, they will work in Ms. Willet’s class
for the morning or you can drive them to Centennial Pool and Fitness Centre to join us.

Students will be invited to come in and prepare for the trip at 8:30am at the primary doors
so that we can depart on time. Please have your child wait there for a teacher to invite them inside.

Session 1: Monday, November 12, 2018
Session 2: Monday, November 19, 2018
Session 3: Monday, November 26, 2018

On these days your child needs to bring either:
  • A towel and bathing suit
  • A towel and shorts (with underwear) and t-shirt ; or
  • A towel and if required for religious reasons, long pants or stockings

Please have your child wearing their swimwear underneath their clothes each morning to
help speed things up and provide more swim time.  Students are expected to independently
change into and out of their swim attire. Teachers are present to supervise but will not assist
with dressing and undressing.

Please be aware that the pool and change rooms are not exclusively used by Pleasantville
students.  Students should leave valuables at home and make sure all clothes are labeled.

Your child will not have an opportunity to dry his or her hair before returning to school.
 You may want to provide your child with a swim cap if this is a concern.

Your child will still have an opportunity to eat a snack these mornings.  Please send a
snack in a separate snack bag on these days.

If you have any questions please contact your child ’s teacher.


Ms. Kwak Mrs. Gold

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