Wednesday, October 10, 2018

[Field Trip] Community Safety Village

Our class will be visiting Community Safety Village at Bruce's Mill Conservation Area on Tuesday October 30th, 2018 to learn about personal safety.  Students will take part in the following programs:

Bicycle Safety:  Grade 3 students learn how to properly fit their bicycle helmets and how to safely ride their bicycles through the village using operational traffic lights, a railway crossing and bicycle lanes. All bicycles are provided for the students, some with training wheels, but they must bring a bicycle helmet with them to the village. There are a limited number of helmets available for students who do not bring one.

Fire lesson: Grade 3 students will learn about the science of fire (combustion) as they learn about the fire triangle. Students will also complete a hazard hunt inside our interactive Sparky's apartment.

Paramedic lesson: Grade 3 students will learn what can you do to help someone waiting for an ambulance at school or home. Students will also tour KYS and Parry's Safety Station to see what equipment paramedics might bring with them and learn how we can all help paramedics.

The cost of this program is $8.80.

We are looking for parent volunteers to help us on this exciting trip.  We will depart from the school promptly at 9:00 am and will return by 2:45pm. Please note that parent volunteers will need a current police check to volunteer.

Mrs. Gold               Ms. Kwak

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