Wednesday, October 10, 2018

[Field Trip] Swim To Survive

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As a part of our physical education program, grade 3 students will have the opportunity to participate in a program entitled “Swim to Survive” offered by the Lifesaving Society in
partnership with the York Region District School Board, the Region of York and all nine

Over 400 people drown each year in Canada and basic swimming ability is a fundamental
requirement in any meaningful attempt to eliminate drowning. “Swim to Survive” is a drowning prevention program that aims to reduce drowning by 50 % within 10 years. In
particular, the program teaches the minimum skills needed to survive an unexpected fall
into deep water which include rolling into deep water, treading water for one minute and
swimming fifty metres. In “Swim to Survive” students learn these three skills in three
lessons. You may refer to the student information booklet for more specific details about
the program.

Our grade 3 students will participate in this program on November 12th, 19th, 26th, 2018. Students will be transported to Centennial Pool by bus from 8:45 am to 10:30 am to participate in “Swim to Survive”.

On these days, your child needs to bring either:

1) a towel and bathing suit; or
2) a towel and shorts (with underwear) and t-shirt; or
3) a towel and , if required for religious reasons, long pants or stockings.

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