Tuesday, October 30, 2018

[Literacy] Summary writing

In our literacy class, we've been working on summarizing a story. We used five main questions below to summarize the text. You can review below questions to help your child summarize a story that they are reading at home.
Summary for Narrative Text
Who is the main character?

What does the character want to do?

What problem does the character have?

How does the character react?

How is the problem solved?

Success Criteria

  1. I have explained the main idea of the text (Main character, Problem of the story… Somebody, wanted, but, so, then)

  1. I have explained the story in order

  1. My summary is very concise

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

[Music] Remembrance Day song

On November 9, we will be holding our Remembrance Day Assembly at Pleasantville. The Grade 3's will be performing a vocal arrangement of, "In Flanders Fields". Please encourage them to read over the poem which was sent home and try to memorize it.
To practice the melody at home:
Visit https://musicplayonline.com/ and use the following to log on:
Username: student
Password: music18
Then, click the “search” button and type: In Flanders Fields. Choose this title, on the left.
This is an accompaniment track (no vocals). Wait 16 beats to start singing.

Monday, October 22, 2018

[Field Trip Note] Community Safety Village

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Grade 3 students will be visiting Community Safety Village on
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 to learn about fire safety, bicycle
safety and take part in a paramedic lesson.   All bicycles are
provided for the students, some with training wheels, but they
must bring a bicycle helmet with them to the village.
Please make sure your child brings a lunch and snack on
the day of the trip.  If you usually order sub lunch,  the
sandwiches will be kept in the office fridge and sent home with your child.  
Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to visit.
 I have confirmed in your child’s agenda if you will be joining us on the trip.  

Mrs. Gold  and Ms. Kwak

[Math] Extra Online Resources/ Helpful activities

Grade 3: Math Glossary 

YRDSB Math Resources 

Baking and CookingWhen you and your child are baking or cooking together try: - Comparing temperature (hot, warm, cold) - Timing how long it takes to prepare, cook or bake - Cutting a recipe in half (fractions) - Adding up all of the ingredients in the recipe - Filling measuring containers to the required amounts - Comparing measurement sizes - Determining how much food containers or measuring cups hold (capacity)
Car Trips or Walks in the NeighbourhoodMath is all around us and is an important part of our daily lives. Here are some ways you can incorporate math when you're taking a walk in the neighbourhood or in the car: - Identifying shapes and figures in our world - Asking “Where do you see symmetry?” - Talking about seasonal changes, and temperature - Counting different objects (e.g., houses, cars, trees, stop signs, etc.) - Recognizing numbers (addresses) - Reading the numbers on signs, licence plates, - Talking about the distance travelled (e.g., we drove one kilometer to get to the store) - Looking for shapes in the neighbourhood
Doing Mathematics with Your Child: Kindergarten to Grade 6This resource provides many fun everyday activities organized by grade and math topic for you to do at home with your child.
ShoppingHere are some ways you can incorporate math when you and your child are shopping: - Comparing the prices of different foods - Reading price tags - Counting or adding items as you package them in bags - Reading measurements on packages - Comparing the size of items - Packing the items in the cart or bag

Sunday, October 21, 2018

[Science] Structure and Stability quiz

Grade 3’s will be having a Structure and Stability quiz on Friday, Oct 26th, 2018.  Structure and Stability quiz. Students took the science duo-tang home over the weekend and it would be helpful to review the following concepts.

  • Definitions:  structures, load, struts, ties, natural made, man made  
  • Identify natural and human-made structures
  • Understand the terms strength and stability
  • Identify loads for different structures. (i.e.: What is the load for a desk?)
  • Identify struts and ties and how they support a structure
  • Understand how different materials have different purposes

Friday, October 19, 2018

[Science] Scientist in School

We had Scientist In School today.
We got to build and test a different type of structures. Special thanks to the parent volunteers who came to help our class today!

[Math] Number Patterns Quiz Study guide

We are going to have a math quiz next week on Oct 24, Wednesday.

Students should have an understanding of the following:

  • Find missing numbers in a pattern (i.e.: 2, 5, ___,___, 14) 
  • Use a pattern rule to continue the pattern  
  • Find a number on a hundred chart (i.e.: find the 10th odd number on a hundred chart) 
  • Identify and describe patterns on a hundred chart (i.e.: Start at 40, count by 4s-
  • The number increases by 4. I noticed that one’s digits repeat: 4,8,4,8) 
  • Understand the following terms: growing, shrinking, repeating patterns 

*Helpful websites:

Sunday, October 14, 2018

[Math] Math Game with a hundred chart

We played a fun game using a hundred chart last Friday.

We also explored different pattern rules on the hundred chart.

[Music] A message from Ms. Mangat

Dear Parents/Guardians:

In your child’s music class, we will soon begin a unit on recorder playing.
The school can provide books as well as recorders which students will
sanitize as they would be sharing. If you wish to purchase a recorder
and method book through the school, please visit the School Cash Online
website. The cost for a book and recorder is $10.30. If purchasing a
recorder only, the cost is $6.18. If purchasing a book only, the cost is $4.12.
The “Handel” recorders have a softer tone and the book comes with a CD
to play along with for extra practice at home - see below. If you already
have a recorder at home, please have your child check with Mrs. Mangat prior
to the start of the unit to see if it is appropriate to use in music class.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.


Mrs. Mangat (905) 884-7431 x108

Description: https://www.long-mcquade.com/files/43951/md_c893c5e380b118c195e65f27b5f09c2b.         

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

[Science] Lego Towers

We got to design a Lego tower today. We had to think about the following questions.
 Is my tower strong and stable? Does it have a strong base? Some groups will get a chance to finish their work tomorrow.

[Literacy] Reading Reponse

In literacy class, we've been learning about how to write a reading response.
We read a short story book, and we discussed what to include in our reading response journal.

Writing a Reading Response Journal

Learning Goal: We are learning to use the reading strategies to write about what we’re thinking
when we read in a reading response journal.

Success Criteria:
I know I am successful when I…

-Include "Dear Ms. Kwak"
-Include the date
-Write the title of the book I am reading in quotation marks or underlined, and the author of the book.
-Describe what my book is about (3-4 sentences)
-Describe the reading strategies that I am using
-Choose from: predicting, inferring, making connections, visualizing, asking questions, determining important ideas). (We learned how to make connections so far.) -Include proof from the text that shows how you used the strategy. (e.g., When I read the part about…
Or When I saw the picture of…")
-Explain your thinking.  (e.g., This strategy helped me understand that... because…)
-Include your thoughts or opinions about the book.

[Field Trip] Swim To Survive

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As a part of our physical education program, grade 3 students will have the opportunity to participate in a program entitled “Swim to Survive” offered by the Lifesaving Society in
partnership with the York Region District School Board, the Region of York and all nine

Over 400 people drown each year in Canada and basic swimming ability is a fundamental
requirement in any meaningful attempt to eliminate drowning. “Swim to Survive” is a drowning prevention program that aims to reduce drowning by 50 % within 10 years. In
particular, the program teaches the minimum skills needed to survive an unexpected fall
into deep water which include rolling into deep water, treading water for one minute and
swimming fifty metres. In “Swim to Survive” students learn these three skills in three
lessons. You may refer to the student information booklet for more specific details about
the program.

Our grade 3 students will participate in this program on November 12th, 19th, 26th, 2018. Students will be transported to Centennial Pool by bus from 8:45 am to 10:30 am to participate in “Swim to Survive”.

On these days, your child needs to bring either:

1) a towel and bathing suit; or
2) a towel and shorts (with underwear) and t-shirt; or
3) a towel and , if required for religious reasons, long pants or stockings.

[Field Trip] Community Safety Village

Our class will be visiting Community Safety Village at Bruce's Mill Conservation Area on Tuesday October 30th, 2018 to learn about personal safety.  Students will take part in the following programs:

Bicycle Safety:  Grade 3 students learn how to properly fit their bicycle helmets and how to safely ride their bicycles through the village using operational traffic lights, a railway crossing and bicycle lanes. All bicycles are provided for the students, some with training wheels, but they must bring a bicycle helmet with them to the village. There are a limited number of helmets available for students who do not bring one.

Fire lesson: Grade 3 students will learn about the science of fire (combustion) as they learn about the fire triangle. Students will also complete a hazard hunt inside our interactive Sparky's apartment.

Paramedic lesson: Grade 3 students will learn what can you do to help someone waiting for an ambulance at school or home. Students will also tour KYS and Parry's Safety Station to see what equipment paramedics might bring with them and learn how we can all help paramedics.

The cost of this program is $8.80.

We are looking for parent volunteers to help us on this exciting trip.  We will depart from the school promptly at 9:00 am and will return by 2:45pm. Please note that parent volunteers will need a current police check to volunteer.

Mrs. Gold               Ms. Kwak

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Scientist In School : New Date

Our Scientists in the School workshop has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 18, 2018. Our workshop time has changed.  We will now be having our workshop from 11:30 am - 3:15 pm.

Science : Triangle? Or Square? Which one is stronger?

This is what we did in our science class for the last couple of days.
We built a square and a triangle and tested to see which one was stronger.

After the first experiment, we tried to make a square stronger by adding extra strips.
We learned that a triangle is stronger and stable than a square.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Reminder : Drum Fit Oct 15 and 16

Drum Fit is back!
On October 15 and 16, all classes will be participating in this fun, rhythmic fitness activity. My class will participate from 10:55 am - 11:25 am on both days. 

I would like to remind you about making payment for Drum Fit on School Cash Online. (If you are new, please register at https://yrdsb.schoolcashonline.com/Home/SignIn )

(For students who don't make payment, they will need to bring a quiet activity to do at the side of the Gym, such as a book to read or colouring during the session.
On both Drum Fit days, students should wear comfortable clothing to move in, running shoes and bring a water bottle.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Media literacy 

In the media literacy class, we’ve been creating a poster for our friendship club. Our class came up with an idea of running the friendship club because we noticed some people were left alone, or have a hard time making friends. So we decided to take a leadership role and invite primary grades to come and join us during a morning and lunch recesses. We are planning to lead a group activity for them and it will be a great opportunity for them to make new friends.

Monday, October 1, 2018

[October Newsletter]

Dear Families,

Wow! The month of September flew by! Some topics that we have been busy
learning about are:

Literacy: Different ways to choose a book, genres (fiction vs. nonfiction),
how to read independently, reading strategies (making connections) writing in complete
sentences, detailed sentences, topic sentences, spelling and grammar.

Math: Number Sense-Show numbers different ways: base-ten blocks, place value,
standard form, expanded form, placing numbers on a number line, compare numbers,
and rounding (nearest ten and hundred).

Science: Stability and Structures (Man made structure vs. Natural structure,
Paper Tube experiment)

In October, some of the units that we will be covering are:

Math: Skip counting forwards and backwards, number patterns

Science: Structures and Stability

Literacy: Reading strategies and reading responses, and paragraph writing.  


Please continue to monitor your child’s agenda every night.

Reading Logs

Students are encouraged to read 20 minutes every night. They can either read to
themselves or with you! After your child has read, please sign their reading log and
return it every Friday.

Spelling Words

Every Monday, students write new spelling words into their agendas. Every Friday,
we have our spelling test. Students will be bringing their marked tests home.

Grade 3 Literacy

Students will be beginning a home reading every Thursday called “Share-A-Text”.
Students will be exploring different types of texts (lists, letters, recounts, etc.) and
completing a short activity. Share-A-Text is due every Monday.


Costumes are absolutely welcome but must be appropriate (no weapons or masks).

Upcoming Events

School Bus Safety and Evacuation- October 3rd
Picture Day- October 9th
Drum Fit - October 15th and 16th

Please visit kwak2018.blogspot.com for more information.

I am looking forward to another great month!

Ms. Kwak

[Literacy] Read to Someone

[Math] Rounding

This is what we discussed in the class last week about rounding. 

We also discussed how to show our work by describing in a number line and words.