Tuesday, February 19, 2019

[Journal Prompts]

If you are looking for your journal writing prompts, here are some ideas that you can use. You can always write about what you did over the weekend, and etc.

Grade 3 Journal Prompts
  1. If I could choose a different name, I would choose ________ because…
  2. Let’s go _______________.  Describe your adventure.
  3. Write a letter to your Mom, Dad, friend, cousin, classmate about your top three talents.
  4. What would happen if animals could talk? What questions would you like to ask them?
  5. Imagine that you can become invisible whenever you wanted to? What are some of the things you would do?
  6. What would you do if you were in the middle of the lake and your boat springs a leak?
  7. What would you do if you were the last person on earth?
  8. What would you do if you could fly?
  9. What would you do if you suddenly woke up in another country and no one could understand a word you said!
  10. Write a poem about your favourite person, animal, or place.
  11. What is your dream vacation? Why?
  12. Write a story from the perspective of a rabbit going down a hole.  What does the rabbit experience, see and feel?
  13. What would you eat if you were on a deserted island?  How would you catch your food?
  14. How does it feel to be a snowflake?
  15. Imagine you are a mountain and you are sitting and watching the world.  What have you seen in your lifetime?
  16. What dangers would you face if you were a chipmunk? How would you overcome them? Older people are…
  17. Younger people are…
  18. The perfect place in the whole wide world is…
  19. What makes you feel sad and why?
  20. What can you do to help you feel better when you’re feeling blue?
  21. Name your favourite book and why?
  22. Walking in the rain is…
  23. I am proud of myself because__________
  24. What I know about rabbits is that…
  25. If I were an Easter egg…
  26. For lunch today…
  27. If I were a raindrop I’d….
  28. If I were a turtle, I’d…
  29. If I were a ________, I’d…
  30. Pretend that you can fly whenever you wanted.  Where would you go?
  31. Pretend that there is no such thing as television.  What do you do with all of your time?
  32. My favourite stuffed animal or toy is…
  33. I am afraid to_______ because…
  34. Name one thing you do really well and describe it in detail.
  35. What is your favourite room in your home and why?
  36. Describe what it means to be a good neighbour?
  37. What is your favourite time of day and why?
  38. Describe your best day ever? Give lots of details explaining why.
  39. How do you deal with people who bug you?
  40. What excites you and why?
  41. Describe your favourite hobby.
  42. What is your favourite quote by a famous person?  Why?
  43. What is your favourite song and why?
  44. Climbing trees is…
  45. I wish trees could._____________ because….
  46. I want to be a ________ when I grow up. Then I will….
  47. I wish there were a law that said ___________ because…
  48. I wish I could forget the time I ___________  because….
  49. I wish I could ___________ because…..
  50. Write about something you believed as a small child that turned out to be wrong. How did you find out?
  51. If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? How would you use it?
  52. If you could visit any planet, which would you go to?
  53. Have your parents ever given you a job to do at home? What did you do?
  54. If you were in charge of managing the zoo, which animals would you spend the most of your time with?
  55. Use descriptive words like amazing, incredible, outrageous, super-fun or mind-blowing while writing about your favourite activity of all time.

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