Wednesday, December 12, 2018

[Math] Study note for Measurement unit

Grade 3 Calendar, Time and Temperature Study Guide
Test Date: Tuesday, Dec 18 2018

Students should have an understanding of the following concepts:
- determine the relationship between days, weeks, and months on a calendar
(i.e. if today is May 7th, it will be June 7th in one month)
- telling time on an analogue clock
- showing time on a blank analogue clock
- relating time on an analogue clock and digital clock - using phrases such as,
"quarter after or past", "quarter to", and "half past"
- elapsed time (i.e. if my soccer game starts at 5:00 pm and ends at 6:15 pm,
how much time has elapsed?)
- identify benchmarks for temperature (i.e. water boils at 100 degrees C, water freezes
at 0 degrees C, room temperature is approximately 21 degrees C)
- describe how changes in temperature affect everyday experiences (i.e. if it -20 degrees outside
I should wear...)
- reading and recording temperature from a thermometer (i.e. we begin at zero and either
read it going up or down)
- Problem-solving questions

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

[Math] Time and Temperature

We learned how to read time in different ways, and how to measure temperatures. 

[Genius Hour] New Project

Dear Parents,
Your child was recently introduced to Genius Hour! Genius Hour will provide your child with the opportunity to research a topic or idea that he/she is passionate about.
Why is Genius Hour important? The number one reason Genius Hour is important is that your child will take ownership of his/her own learning. This research is intended to spark curiosity and encourage life-long learning, imagination, perseverance, self-awareness, and adaptability. It’s also intended to provide a sense of purpose for learning.
How will Genius Hour work in the classroom? Your child will first choose a project topic of his/her interest. After that, your child will formulate a question that will guide his/her research. Once the project is approved, your child will then be given time in class to work on the project. Research materials (books, computer, iPads, etc.) will be provided for your child to research with. When the project is complete, your child will be asked to present his/her learning to an audience.
How does Genius Hour fit into our standards? Not only does your child get to choose a topic that he/she is passionate about, but the research and the presentation for this project also ties perfectly into our grade-level standards! A few examples of these standards are stated below:
▪ Draw inferences and formulate conclusions based on multiple sources.
▪ Combine pertinent information from several sources on the same topic to help gain an understanding of a topic.
▪ Present his/her learning in a meaningful, sequential, and clear way.
How can you help out? There are many ways you can help. Once your child chooses a project, he/she may need help with expanding his/her thinking to help formulate new ideas. Discussing your child’s ideas and providing some guidance as to where to find useful information will be important. If you have access to the Internet at home, your child could conduct some of the research there. Finally, you may be an expert in the area of which your child chose. If this is the case, it’s possible that you could offer some expertise and knowledge.
As your child’s teacher, I am excited to offer this learning opportunity and look forward to this new adventure.

You can get more information on

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

[Literacy] Paragraph writing activity

I would like to share the brainstorming activity that we worked on today. This is the graphic organizer that we used to come up with ideas. Please encourage your child to use 5Ws and 1 H to describe their paragraph. It will not always work, but this will be a great starting point for them to think about their ideas.

[Math] Measurement unit

In Math, we will be working on the Measurement unit. We will learn about the calendar, time, and temperature.