Tuesday, January 22, 2019

[Math] Data Management Review Website


Above website has many different examples, questions about Data Management unit. 
Your child can use the website to practice and review for the test this week.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

[Literacy] Non-Fiction Text

This month we will be focusing on non-fiction texts and text features.  
Students will be able to identify the purpose and features of non-fiction texts
and use these features to support their reading and understanding.
 Students will continue to work on identifying important ideas in texts
and summarizing the main ideas in their own words.
They will have an opportunity to apply this learning as we work on
Genius Hour assignments this term.

Friday, January 18, 2019

[Math] Data Management Study Guide

Grade 3: Data Management Study Guide

Test Date: Jan 25 2019 (Friday)

Students should have an understanding of the following concepts:
  • Read data which has been organized in different ways (i.e. pictographs, bar graphs, tally charts, circle graph)
  • Pose and answer questions regarding data (i.e. which choice is the most common? How many students were surveyed altogether?)
  • Interpret results by comparing and using full sentences
(i.e. There are 2 less students who like the colour blue than the colour red. There are 4 more students whose favourite food is pizza than pasta.)
  • Identify the mode (the value that shows up most often in a set of data)?
  • Create a bar graph and a pictograph
  • Choose an appropriate scale for a bar graph (i.e. if the data is: 5, 10, 30, 45, 23…the scale most appropriate to use would be counting by 5.)
* A pictograph has a key (showing the symbol), but a bar graph does not because it has a scale (the numbers on the side).
* A bar graph must have: a title, a labelled horizontal axis(x-axis), a labelled vertical axis (y-axis) and an appropriate scale, 0!
*Some important vocabulary that students can use to communicate their thinking:

  More than, Less than, Most common/most popular, Altogether

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Science: Forces and Movements

In Science class, we've been discussing the idea about Forces (push and pull, motion): Gravity Force, Muscular Force, Friction Force, Buoyancy Force. We will discuss more on Magnetic Force, Static Force, Direct and Indirect Force next week.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Life in a snow globe : writing and art activity 

We’ve been working on descriptive paragraph writing in the literacy class, and the students did a great job writing a paragraph about -life in a snowglobe using four different senses.
We also created a snow globe as well.
Fantastic job class!:)

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


We will be starting the Data Management unit in Math class.

We are going to learn to interpret graphs: pictograph, bar graph, circle graph and to draw pictograph, and bar graph.

We are also going to learn about conducting a survey and collecting data.

Here are some helpful online resources.



[HanSam Dance]

Our class will be performing Han-Sam dance at the Lunar Year Assembly. We started our practice today and this is the link that will help students to learn their parts.